Hello Music Lovers! Natchez Trace is back! It's crazy to think it's a year and a half since our last gig. Now that many good folks have been vaccinated and the covid counts are down in our area, we are coming out of hiding. We've dusted off the instruments, been stretching our voices and working on our callouses, lol. It's good to be back playing with our musical kin again. We've had a lot of laughs in the basement are just about ready to bring the show on the road. Visit our 2021 Gig page to see what we have lined up. We have missed our wider musical family (that means YOU) and we can't wait to see you again. So mark your calendar, grab your friends, and get ready reminisce and sing along to all our acoustic classic rock songs in harmony!
Love Ya, Man,
Natchez Trace

Natchez Trace
(L-R) Ronnie, Robbie, Stevie